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 Codex of the Gods

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Join date : 2012-02-19

Codex of the Gods Empty
PostSubject: Codex of the Gods   Codex of the Gods EmptyThu Mar 01, 2012 12:45 pm

I thought it'd be cool to have something codified for the worship of the different gods, different ideals that they hold in high respect, for example.


Thoradan, as the ultimate creator god, respects one thing first and foremost- Power. As a obscenely powerful creative force, he alone was responsible for bringing life onto the planet. As such, he demands respect for his power from all of his creations, and acknowledgement of his superiority.

His Disciples follow a similar path, respecting those who have power, and establishing strict lines of leadership and control based on this knowledge. Disrespect to a superior is tantamount to heresy in the faith of Thoradan, as it mimics the disrespect that humanity had for Thoradan before the cleansing. Advancement in such cults usually takes the form of duels, either of a physical nature, or of a magical one, in which a person with the most power triumphs and is shown to have Thoradan's favor. Power is not merely a physical act, however- A merchant who controls the trade lanes is on similar level to a commander of troops, as a commander without supplies commands very little, and a merchant without protection does not remain a merchant for long.

The other aspect of Thoradan Worship is an understanding of one's role. A farmer knows who he is, and his place in life, through the understanding of his own limitations. He knows he can never be a warrior, and so he serves his role by growing crops to feed those who would defend him. A warrior knows he could never grow crops like a farmer would, and so he acknowledges his role by protecting the farmer from those who would fight him. Some sects take this to the extreme and have codified caste systems, in which one is born into a role and never leaves it, but such things are a rarity rather than the rule.

The last aspect of Thoradan worship that is primarily seen is the worship of him as a lifebringer. As the primary creator god in the world pantheon, many worship his ability to bring life into the world as much as ending it. Farmers and midwifes worship him in this aspect, invoking him during ceremonies of creation before planting crops or preparing for childbirth. Some sects go so far as to worship child-bearing women as a representation of Thoradan's fertility, but again, this is more rarity than rule.

Seryn's sects

Seryn's teachings, on the other hand, do not focus so much on his power. Being the son of Thoradan, and therefore not quite as powerful, followers instead focus on a few different aspects of which the teachings detail.

The first is Seryn's aspect as the protector, more commonly seen amongst the commonfolk. As the god which sheltered them from Thoradan's fury, humans who worship Seryn usually invoke this aspect in an attempt to bring some measure of safety in a hazardous world. Seryn's protection also brings about the idea that humanity, in and of itself, deserves to be protected, regardless of the miserable state it may be in, and therefore encourages less active forms of protection, such as charity and hospitality to strangers and visitors. Many Seryn worshipping populaces encourage codes of hospitality between both visitor and host, to be invoked in certain circumstances.

The next aspect invoked often is that of Wisdom, taking into account Seryn's great knowledge of the world. As such, in many such societies, the elders are revered as fonts of knowledge, as surviving in such a hazardous realm is usually proof of a great deal of experience. Additionally, academics and, usually, mages are held in high esteem by the laypeople as people who have developed a great deal of wisdom. It is not uncommon for most Seryn-worshipping societies to encourage the old to teach to the young, as to pass on their wisdom to the next generation. People are always encouraged to better themselves and learn more about the world around them, while being cautious of being arrogant in their knowledge.

The last aspect most often invoked is that of guidance. Seryn, in his act of protecting humanity, showed his belief that humanity could be shown the errors of it's ways and did not have to be destroyed. As such, his followers hold to this belief and invest a great deal in the education and betterment of others, oftentimes combining religious worship and education into one. By teaching the proper order as according to Seryn's teachings, his followers can make sure that the new generation of humanity does not repeat the errors of it's past. Worship of Seryn as a Guide includes the artful creation of plants grown in such a way as to create certain patterns, invocations before teaching a class for a school, or invocations before harvest, in hopes of guiding their crops towards a more prosperous growth.

What do you think? Any modifications or ideas?
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