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 My opinion on the server currently.

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Posts : 2
Join date : 2012-03-01

My opinion on the server currently. Empty
PostSubject: My opinion on the server currently.   My opinion on the server currently. EmptyThu Mar 01, 2012 9:16 am

Here at WOTG i am currently the oldest participating player, having followed the server for well over 6months now. In this time i have gone from being a normal player when the server was on its 3rd map and had a strong community with a system in place very different from the current system, the only problem at that time was a few hackers who were eventually removed. As the server has progressed it has seen many problems, such as abuseive mods/players, people abuseing ingame mechanics and griefing, as well as the server itself being hacked, however each and every one of these problems has been dealt with and the server has eventually moved on.

The most current problem is one called 'Tyrael', this player with no prior experience or trust, almost new to the server, was given an admin position almost instantly, one can speculate that this was most likely influenced by large amounts of money he has donated and has said he will donate to the server. However through a variety of acts he has shown himself incapable of running a community properly. Many people have been banned, temporarily or permeantley, for so called 'trolling' or 'being disrespectful' , these 'offences' are classed as anything from laughing at someones current nickname to telling an admin they have not followed rules set down by the server owner.

In addition this admin has been seen changing others nicknames for no reason to lowly and degrading names, in addition, the mere sight of myself logging in has caused him to ban me with the reason of 'douchebaggery', as well as other reasons such as the 'asshat' i received last time i logged in and was banned. Both these bans have been for no reason, which i have several conclusive shots to prove this. While this is partly a appeal on my behalf it is also to bring light to this problem for other players who have suffered his discrimination and have not been as prepared to talk or take proof. In conclusion he is a blight on this server and as long as this attitude of his carrys on i shall be trying my very best to stop others making the same mistake of joining this server.


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