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 (27 February) Possible new feature - Capture points and economical improvements factions

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(27 February) Possible new feature - Capture points and economical improvements factions Empty
PostSubject: (27 February) Possible new feature - Capture points and economical improvements factions   (27 February) Possible new feature - Capture points and economical improvements factions EmptyTue Feb 28, 2012 7:53 am

Dear community of the World of the Gods,

We have been working on a possible new feature and we would like to hear your feedback on this. We'll test it on a small scale and if it doesn't work out we'll drop it instantly. It should make the faction aspect more dynamic and fun and increases the goal for factions because the current goal is, build a town and raid.

The system

For the system we will be using 3 plugins: 'Rewardchest, Factions and LWC'. What rewardchest does is it resets every set interval with the items previously put in before registering it as a rewardchest. For example: If I put 3 stacks of cobble in it, then register it as a rewardchest with a reset interval of 5 hours. Then a player can come and take 3 stacks of cobble out of it, then wait 5 hours and take 3 stacks of cobble out of it again. That's the basic principle of the plugin. This together with factions, LWC and some creativity can create some very complex and fun systems.

- Economical capture points

These points are scattered across the land, much like real life. If a faction captures them they gain a certain amount of items every set interval. You can exchange these items directly into money at the market or keep them to build your empire.

ECP examples:
- Quarry: Gains a faction a few stacks of cobblestone every set interval.
- Forest: Gains a faction a few stacks of logs every set interval.
- Coal mine: Gains a faction some coal every set interval.
- Mineral mine: Gains a faction some minerals every set interval.
- Farm: Gains a faction some farming materials every set interval.

- Economical build points

These are points that you don't have to capture but you can get by upgrading your town. The more you upgrade your town, the more money/materials you gain.

EBP examples:
- 20 houses/homes: 'Gives a faction a rewardchest with several valuable items that resets every set interval.'*
- 50 houses/homes: * With more items
- 100 houses/homes: * With more items
- 1 Temple: *
- Expand your faction to 'X' faction plots, and wall them all in: *

- Payments

To keep the system truely intresting we might be able to setup a system that allows factions to buy a special building/feature or just plain old town maintenance fees. This will require faction owners to really watch what they spend and what they gain.

Please tell us what you think of this sytem.

Greets, The WOTG staff.
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