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 Uniform Code of Minecraft Justice [Updated Rules]

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Posts : 3
Join date : 2012-02-18

Uniform Code of Minecraft Justice [Updated Rules] Empty
PostSubject: Uniform Code of Minecraft Justice [Updated Rules]   Uniform Code of Minecraft Justice [Updated Rules] EmptySat Feb 25, 2012 7:51 am

Communication Rules:

The new communication rules settle on a foundation of mutual respect between players and admin alike. This reform is intended to target current issues of harassment and trolling, lacks of professionalism, and abuse of power on both ends. The punishments for these offenses shall also be listed.

The following are now forbidden on all channels:
  • Inappropriate language.
  • Disrespect.
  • Flaming the chat. (This is to include trolling.)
  • Communication sexual in nature.
  • Arguing or complaining of any sort, especially with an admin.
  • Any other form of communication an admin or moderator deems inappropriate.

Player Conduct:

These rules are intended to better set the guidelines for player to player conduct. These will work on an honor system, but all evidence found regarding players infringing upon these guidelines will be dealt with by an admin or moderator. If you wish to report a player for misconduct refer to the help channel or post a ticket on the forums. Screenshots and other forms of evidence are recommended.

No Griefing:

As this is a faction server, the line between griefing and conquering has become blurred and it becomes difficult to tell what is a griefing offense, and what is not. Griefing is defined as any sort of destruction or placement of blocks intended to be needlessly troublesome to another player or destruction or placement of blocks to deface the server. Examples of which include the construction of offensive materials, needless or illegal destruction of admin territory, or the defacing of territory directly outside of any faction's protected boundaries.

Spawn Killing:

Spawn killing shall be defined as the stalking of any and all players directly outside of the spawn area with the intention of killing them. This rule also pertains to the stalking of any warp, portal, or spawn. However, stalking the home of an enemy or neutral faction with the intention of killing is allowed. This is a faction server after-all.


Harassment is defined as any action taken to intentionally anger, disrupt, or irritate another player without gain. This is to include refusal to leave a faction's land while having no intention to raid or claim, offensive forms of communication or insults, or any sort of behavior an admin deems inappropriate. In other words, if you are not raiding, leave.

Illegal Clients or Mods (Hacking):
Currently the only approved mod for the server is advanced chat. X-ray, fly-mod, speed hacks, and any kind of modified client are means for an immediate ban pending review by the server owner. In certain minor cases the player will be immediately jailed and asked to return with a clean install.

PVP Warping:
Warping into or out of a PVP battle is illegal. This applies regardless of whether or not it was the player's intention to engage in a fight. Once in battle it is your responsibility as a player to continue the fight until death or attempt to flee. The only type of instant movement that is allowed in PVP situations are enderpearls or the blink spell. Using /f home to run from a fight is forbidden. If we suspect you are using such tactics, the log will be checked.

Boundary Shooting:
Hanging outside of non-pvp areas with the intention of firing into them and hitting the players inside is illegal. These actions will result in an immediate smite until death with increasing punishments for repeat offenders.

Taking advantage of any sort of exploit in Minecraft's coding or server plug-ins with the intention of in-game benefit is punishable. Players suspected of this action will receive immediate jail time and the confiscation of all items the admin suspects to have been duplicated.

Punishments will vary slightly depending on which admin is judging the player. If at any point you feel your punishment is unjust, you may place a ticket on the forums for appeal. Screenshots are recommended as well as an explanation as to why you feel your punishment is unjust. Mutes and jail time, however, are not subject to appeal due to their feeble nature.

Communication Offenses:
On the first offense, as long as it is minor in nature, is to result in a warning. Second offenses are punishable by a mute of at least five minutes and no more than ten. The third offense will result in jail time and a mute with a duration to be determined by the issuing admin. Once you have broken these rules more than three times, a ban can be issued.

Hacking/ Exploit Punishments:
Due to the severe nature of this behavior and how detrimental it can be to the balance of the economy and player power, the punishments for these offenses are equally as detrimental to the player. The first offense shall result in jail time no less than an hour, a monetary fee, and the confiscation of items(these will not be returned). Any additional offenses, or a more severe offense will result in an immediate ban until further action is taken by the server owner. X-ray will result an immediate roll-back and a confiscation of all items and chests owned by the offending player.

Other Offenses:
All other offenses shall be dished out according to the following.
1. A monetary fee and jail time.
2. Cleared Inventory via smite, additional jail time.
3. Confiscation of items holding the weight of the offense and a ban to last until the server owner has time to review the situation.

All grievances against your fellow players are to be conducted in the help channel. To join the help channel, type:
/cc join help
/cc set help

If you wish to dispute with the current admin about your punishment or the offense, join the argument channel:
/cc join ar
/cc set ar

Any sort of claim against an admin or moderator is to be conducted with respect and patience. If you make a request and it is not answered immediately; wait, and ask again. If that fails, make a request for help on the forums.
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Uniform Code of Minecraft Justice [Updated Rules]
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